CHM-BAU32 Chimney Calculator

The program is designed to scale one or more combustion plants, individual or manifold flue gas discharge systems, and is an improved version of the experience gained from its previous version. Technical content of the thermal and flow dimensioning process of flue gas discharge systems is based on MSZ EN 13384-1 and MSZ EN 13384-2.
The program can be used for dimensioning of solid-fired, atmospheric burner (deflector), pressurized burner (block burner) and flue gas fan (turbo) units.


In the case of the discharge of several combustion products, they may be combined in a common flue, but the connections may be at different levels, so that the collector chimney can be dimensioned. There are no performance restrictions in the program, thus, both the individual chimney of the smallest appliances and the central chimney of industrial installations can be scaled.


Devices can be selected from the program database, but the user can also individually enter data for a device that is not in the database.
Solid, liquid or liquid. gas-fueled equipment can also be scaled.


Az égéstermék meghatározása alapesetben az MSZ EN 13384-1 alapján történik. A felhasználónak azonban arra is van lehetősége, hogy a tüzelőanyag összetételét egyedileg állítsa össze és ez alapján történjék a sztöchometriai számítás, a tüzelőanyag és az égéstermék paramétereinek meghatározása.
Az égési levegő belépési veszteségének számításakor a program számolja a réstényezőkkel megadott nyílászárók ellenállását, és választhatóak különböző gyártók által kínált légbevezető elemek is. Nagyobb teljesítményű készülékeknél a levegő bevezetésére szolgáló légcsatorna rendszer elemekből állítható össze és így méretezhető.


The connection data between the appliance and the chimney or the vertical section of the chimney can be selected from the program database or can be specified individually. In addition to the multi-layered circular cross-section elements, the range includes brick chimneys with rectangular cross-sections and subsequent lined chimney structures. In the case of LAS systems, independent combustion air and flue gas exhaust ducts and a "pipe-in-pipe" system can be provided.

More calculations are needed to check the chimney in all hazardous operating conditions. For pressure conditions, design shall be carried out at the highest outside operating temperature. When controlling temperature conditions, the most critical condition usually occurs at the lowest outside temperature.
If the performance of the device is variable, it is advisable to carry out the checks at the lowest power. The number of variants can increase especially if several appliances are connected to the chimney. In this case, even when some devices are off, it is possible to check the operation of other devices.
This is particularly important when testing the temperature condition when only one unit is operating at partial load.


The temperatures and other parameters of each variation can be predefined in the program. During the dimensioning, all operating conditions are examined simultaneously, they can be compared.

Calculation results are displayed in tables on the screen. The order and appearance of the table elements can be set by the user.
The results of the calculation in the table below help to verify.


The results can be printed directly, but you can export the results to a word processor to create a unique display.
The database of the program is constantly expanding and new items can be downloaded from the database for free.

Last modify: 11 September 2019